Verticals Cartography

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Between 2021 and 2025, €145 billion will be invested in Europe on 5G rollouts (Source: Mobile Economy Europe, GSMA 2021). According to The Impact of 5G on the European Economy (Accenture 2021), 5G will drive €2 trillion of additional sales in Europe (EU27, plus UK), adding €1 trillion to European GDP, bringing or transforming up to 20 million jobs. This will trigger a multiplier effect, for example, for every €1 invested in 5G by the ICT industry, €1 of value will be created in the economy. Industry verticals are contributing significantly in terms of socio-economic benefits. For eample, from 2025, automotive, healthcare, transport and the utilities are forecast to generate €62.5 billion/year of direct economic benefits. 

This Verticals Cartography tracks the progress of Europe’s 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) in developing 5G technology enablers and applications across diverse market segments through a large set of use cases, spanning proofs of concept, prototypes, demonstrations, trials and pilots to give consumers and vertical end-users tangible examples of 5G usage. Launched in September 2018, the Cartography is designed as a sustainable resource across Europe and globally with regular reports on updates and impacts of 5G use cases within the 5G PPP. These are available for June 2019, March 2020 and September 2020.

Annual showcase brochures of successful mature use cases stem from the competitions coordinated within the 5G-IA Trials Working Group. Three such brochures are available: 5G Infrastructure PPP - Trials and Pilots published in September 2019; December 2020 and August 2021. Each year, the top ten trials and pilots are selected by WG Panel Members based on pre-defined evaluation criteria. 

How to use the 5G PPP verticals cartography:

To view the many examples available, click on industry vertical, country locations, type of use case experiment and functionalities defined by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU): Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), and Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC), as well as 5G technical Key Performance Indicators achieved within the 5G PPP. 

This brochure, Trials and Pilots for Connected and Automted Mobility, illustrates use cases, e.g. tele-operated driving, key 5G KPIs, e.g. reliability, 5G deployments and technical features. It is one of the outcomes of the 5G PPP Automotive WG. 


Public Safety

5G-EVE: Public Safety and Environment Protection

Towards 5G Rollout: Using 5G to create an advanced air quality monitoring service for smart cities. A winner of the 2021 5G-IA Trials Working Group competition for the top ten best trials and pilots.


SliceNet: BlueEye Pilot

Guaranteed end-to-end (E2E) Quality of Experience (QoE) for remote clinical video consultations.

Smart Cities

5G-EVE: Experiential tourism through 360-degree video and VR over 5G

5G coverage enabling participation in professional events and visiting tourist resources remotely from anywhere in the world.


5G-EVE: Industry 4.0: Autonomous vehicles in manufacturing environments

Towards 5G Rollout: Operating 5G connected Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) in factories.  One of the top ten trials and pilots selected in the 2021 5G-IA Trials WG competiton. 



5G-VINNI: Remote Robotic Control with 360° VR-based Telepresence

Supporting simultaneous low latency and high bandwidth capabilities of 5G for a high performance robotics.

Public Safety

5G-VINNI - 5G Network Slicing for the Norwegian defence

Towards 5G Rollout:  Dedicated Network Slice with full isolation for the Norwegian Defence and security-as-a-service. One of the top ten selected trials and pilots in the 2021 5G-IA Trials WG competition. 

Automotive across borders

5G-CARMEN - Infotainment in cross-border scenarios

Predicting the expected Quality of Service (QoS) and the proactive adaptation of streaming applications with a view to avoiding interruptions in the service wherever possible. 

Automotive across borders

5G-CARMEN - Green Driving in cross-border scenarios

5G cross-border corridor trials to advance green driving by improving air quality. 

Automotive across borders

5G-CARMEN - Situation Awareness in cross-border scenarios

Trials in 5G-enabled cross-border corridors aimed at reducing dangers in vehicular transportation.

Automotive across borders

5G-CARMEN - Cooperative Manoeuvring in cross-border scenarios

 A 5G-enabled cross-border corridor to test innovative Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CAM) use cases from both a business and technology perspective.
