5GAA: MEC4AUTO - Enabling edge computing for cellular V2X
Edge Computing for Automotive Sector
Edge computing is one of the key supporting technologies for many V2X services for connected vehicles and automated driving. 5GAA (5G Automotive Association) is a global leader that has been analysing the benetits, opportunities and challenges for several years. An early white paper published in December 2017 gives an overview of automotive use cases and shows how Edge Computing provides compute/storage/networking capabilities at the network edge, and how it can be considered a supporting technology for multiple services for connected AD vehicles. It also draws the attention to the value of Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) as a standardised solution for Edge Computing, especially important from an automotive stakeholders’ point of view while also serving other vertical market segments.
Work in 5GAA is scoped to demonstrate the use of Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) technology for automotive services, for example, when two distinct automotive vendors can truly test at least three use cases involving two distinct MNOs employing network infrastructure provided by two distinct infrastructure vendors.
Slide deck Summary
In this presentation on MEC4AUTO: Enabling Edge Computing to Support Cellular V2X use cases, Leonardo Gomes Baltar (Intel) 5GAA MEC4AUTO WI Lead and WG1 Vice-Chair summarisies work on edge computing as a key supporting technology for many V2X services for connected vehicles and automated driving. It outlines the high-level long-term objective of 5GAA MEC4AUTO in terms of multi-OEM (automotive vendors) and multi-MNO (network infrastructure operators) service scenarios and planned trials in 2021-2022 in various locations across the globe.
The presentation also draws attention to the 5GAA MEC4AUTO Study on deployment options, interoperability, security and privacy. This study covers topics such as SoA edge computing architecture principles for V2X and high-level Architectural Considerations on MEC in Multi-MNO along with scenarios spanning deployments for use cases, interoperability and service continuity for edge computing and MEC Security Guidance.
The presentation was part of a double webinar series on edge computing hosted by a sub-set of 3GPP market representation partners (5GAA, 5G-IA, 5G-ACIA and PSCE) in April 2021. The findings of 5GAA played a key role in defining the webinar polls on edge computing requirements across industry verticals. For more information about the webinar series, see About Us.
5GAA White Paper and Studies
- White Paper (December 2017) - Toward fully connected vehicles: Edge Computing for Advanced Automotive Communications.
- Study (March 2021 - MEC for Automotive in Multi-Operator Scenarios
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