5G MEDIA2GO - 5G-MAG Trials, Tests and Projects
5G comes with the promise of new applications, including media and entertainment for the production of new forms of content and its distribution. Key opportunities include smartphones, tablets and vehicles with both linear TV and radio programmes and nonlinear offers such as media libraries or podcasts. Future autonomous cars are considered a new very important use case for media consumption.
This is where 5G MEDIA2GO (Media Consumption in autonomously driving cars) comes into play with its focus on a common interest across the broadcast, automotive and telecommunication industry, offering users access to attractive media content and services while in a car or public transport. The combination of linear and nonlinear content on the integrated infotainment system of contemporary cars marks an important step in this direction. The location or the route of the vehicle taking into consideration the expected duration of travel could be used in the future to generate recommendations thereby offering additional value for mobile media consumption.
Main goals of 5G MEDIA2GO are:
- Verification of the capability of 5G Broadcast to provide linear media services for mobile consumption in vehicles.
- Combination of two high-power-high-tower transmitters located at the broadcast network sites in Stuttgart and Heilbronn and low-power-low-tower transmitters at mobile network sites in terms of a single frequency network to distribute linear TV programmes using 5G Broadcast. UHF TV channel 40 will be used.
- Integration of linear and nonlinear broadcast content and services in the infotainment system of a car. This requires adaption of relevant interfaces and the development of a corresponding app.
- Realisation of a nonlinear media service based on geo-referenced recommendations („Travelguide“).
- Execution of mobile measurement campaigns in order to investigate availability of services with regards to coverage and quality of service.
- 2 linear TV programmes
- ARD / SWR Mediathek
- Geo-referenced Content Recommendations (“Travelguide”)
- Südwestrundfunk (SWR)
- Kathrein Broadcast GmbH
- DFMG Deutsche Funkturm GmbH
- Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
- Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
- Technische Universität Braunschweig – Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
- Telekom Deutschland GmbH