5G-ACIA White Paper: Exposure of 5G capabilities for Connected Industries and Automation Applications
This 5G-ACIA white paper, Exposure of 5G capabilities for Connected Industries and Automation Applications, is a key reference document for use cases exposing 5G capabilities in the Industrial Internet of Things.
It describes the functional requirements for exposing the capabilities of non-public 5G systems to industrial factory applications. Via exposure interfaces, industrial applications can access and can manage 5G service capabilities. Industrial applications also monitor e.g. the QoS of communication services and the network status.
Due to the generic nature of the exposed capabilities, it is also possible to support other use cases that share the requirements of industrial factory applications. Examples include control applications for rail transportation, electrical power distribution, and central power generation.
Readers are encouraged to also study other references, e.g. 3GPP TS 22.104 and 122.26, for a complete overview. This white paper focuses on use cases and exposure interface implementation but does not address aspects such as data models and protocols, which are part of actual interface and API specification.
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