3GPP MRPs supporting Industry Verticals
5G networks are bringing a new disruptive ecosystem to industry verticals spanning automotive, broadcasting and media, energy, health, manufacturing, maritime, public safety, transport and others.
To capture these benefits and ensure requirements feed into 3GPP standardisation, in early 2019 four Market Representation Partners got together with top experts in 3GPP with a view to encouraging the community to embrace verticals, optimally capture end-user requirements and support contributions to the standardisation process. The approach is bottom-up, member-based and consensus-driven
These MRPs are the 5G-Infrastructure Association (5G-IA), the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA), the 5G Alliance for Connected Industry and Automation (5G-ACIA) and Public Safety Communications Europe (PSCE).
With two physical events in 2019, the shift to virtual events was swiftly made in 2020, with webinars on:
- 3GPP Releases 16 and 17 for Industry Verticals (May 2020)
- 5G Spectrum for Industry Verticals (June 2020)
- 5G for Healthcare, Social Care and Public Safety (July 2020)
- 3GPP Release 18 for Industry Verticals (November 2020)
In October 2020, a spin-off webinar was hosted by the 5G-IA and the European Technology Platform, NetWorld Europe on 5G and Smart Networks for Healthcare as a precursor for the new European funding cycle: Horizon Europe - Smart Networks and Services (SNS).
In 2021, our events have focused on:
- Edge Computing: Viewpoints from Industry Verticals (April 2021)
- 3GPP Standardisation on Edge Computing (April 2021)
- RAN Release 18 for Industry Verticals (June 2021)
This online collaboration forum tracks vertical viewpoints, common requirements and updates from 3GPP Plenaries. It also showcases inputs to standardisation by European initiatives funded by the European Commission through the 5G Public Private Partnership: 5G PPP.
With over 1800 people engaged globally through our events, we are now planning to consolidate our work around Advanced 5G and beyond, ensuring this forum serves as a key meeting point.
In early July 2021, the 5G Media Action Group (5G-MAG) joined us on our journey, helping us to build on our sucesses so far.