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5G-XCast: Public warning system (PWS)


Demonstrating use of multimedia in public warning alerts, by leveraging rapid advances in cellular devices to provide more informative warning messages, including images, maps and videos.

MATILDA: Remote Control and Monitoring of Automobile Electrical Systems Use Case



Meeting the need to remotely send and receive all data and signals to and from an automobile’s Electronic Control Units (ECUs). 

MATILDA: 5G for Public Protection and Disaster Relief


5G emergency communications infrastructure and services using end-to-end software defined networking and network function virtualization. Emergency response for real-time monitoring and protection of critical infrastructure. 

5Gtango: Communications Suite


Enabling the setting-up of videoconferences for multiple participants, supporting chat, group chat, file sharing, desktop sharing and other added-value features. Scalable services, including Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

5Gtango: Immersive Media


Capturing live events using a 360° camera at 4K resolution, streaming it to users at home, using VR head mounted displays, desktops or smartphones with enriched, personalized content. 

5G-PICTURE: Mega-Event in stadium


Media services in large venues, using a dedicated 5G-stadium testbed, meeting need for increased density and static-to-low mobility. 

5G ESSENCE: End-to-End Slicing for Mission Critical Applications


Providing the required network/cloud slicing capabilities with dedicated service level agreements for mission-critical applications for enhanced public safety. 

5GCity: Mobile Backpack Unit for Real-time Transmission


Quality of Service (QoS) and guaranteed bandwidth allocation to Mobile Backpack Units for Real Time Transmission by local broadcasters operating in a city context. 


5GCity: Ultra-high definition Video Distribution and Immersive Services


Developing High-Definition/4K video services, Video 360, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (VR) services for smart cities with increased service and network performance

5GCity: Video Acquisition and Production with Community media engagement in live events


Deploying a professional broadcasting system in a 5G smart city to support live event scenarios including video content that users can acquire and share from their smartphones.



Global5G.org publishes white paper: How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G ERA

Global5G.org has published its White Paper entitled “How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G Era”.

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 – Position Papers from Global5G.org, To-Euro 5G and NetWorld2020 SME Working Group

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 aims to become the playground for EU-BR initiatives drving innovation in ICT through collaborative work between outstanding research institutes, large enterprises and SMEs.
