5G TRANSFORMER: Emergency Health Services

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Focus and Benefits for Healthcare

  • Evaluating high-priority and low-latency emergency services over the 5G-TRANSFORMER platform
  • Looking into how new technologies such as Edge Computing can help improve speed and quality of response in emergency situations

5G Capabilities and Functionalities

Bringing “Network Slicing” into mobile transport networks by provisioning and managing slices tailored to the needs of verticals. Enable Vertical Industries to meet their service requirements within customised network slices. Novel 5G-TRANSFORMER architecture consisting of: 

  • Vertical slicer (VS), translating vertical requirements into slices deployed in the form of NFV network services complying with vertical service requirements.
  • Service orchestrator (SO), in charge of end-to-end service orchestration, including scaling, service composition, service federation, and integration of multiple MANO platforms (e.g., Open Source Mano or Cloudify).
  • Mobile Transport Platform (MTP), in charge of handling the multiple heterogeneous technological domains, including transport and mobile networks, and giving a global abstracted view to the service orchestrator.
  • Monitoring platform, transversal to all above layers, in charge of monitoring the behaviour of vertical services deployed and potentially triggering corrective actions in case of SLA infringement in coordination with the rest of building blocks.

All building blocks in open source are available here: 5G-TRANSFORMER 

Snapshot of 5G-TRANSFORMER Use-case Experiments

Fast automated deployment of vertical services, including:

  • Translation of vertical service requirements into network service requirements for all use cases in the project.
  • Handling of vertical-oriented network slices.
  • Deployment of regular and composite NFV network services in single and multiple administrative domains featuring multiple heterogeneous technologies.
  • Deployment times in the order of minutes as opposed to days or weeks in manual deployments.
  • Deployments that fulfil vertical service constraints at the vertical slicer level through the arbitrator and at the service orchestrator level and MTP, through various placement algorithms.

Most 5G-TRANSFORMER platform code is published as open source.

Use Case Demo: July 2019 by SAMUR, UC3M and Telefonica to S. Korea Telecom delegates

Focus of the demo: A sportsman suffers from a Cardio-Respiratory arrest which is detected with his smartphone via 5G. Then, a system locates him and activates an alarm and warns SAMUR. Automation of emergency support deployment of medical services.

Benefits demonstrated: Reducing the overall reaction time; providing support to AR services. 

Date: Q3-2019

Location: 5TONIC premises, Madrid (Spain)

Vertical Partners involved: Madrid City Council - Emergency Assistance and  Rescue Service (SAMUR)

Also involved: University Carlos III of Madrid - UC3M (Coordinator)

Other partners: Atos, B-COM, CTTC, Ericsson Telecommunicazioni SpA, Eurecom, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), InterDigital Europe, Mirantis, NEC Corporation, Nextworks Srl, NOKIA Networks, Orange, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Telefonica R&I, Turin University of Technology

5G-TRANSFORMER Website@5g_transformer



Type of Experiment:

ITU Functionality:


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