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MATILDA: High Resolution Media on Demand


Enabling telecom service provide to offer high resolution media on-demand service. Connecting 5G to smartphones, PCs, TVs for flash events like highlights from football matches with rapid updates on demand. 

Optimized bandwidth use and power consumption. 

5G-XCast: Distribution of media content at scale in future 5G networks


A multimedia service that combines live (linear) and on-demand (non-linear) audiovisual content. Enriching user experience with personalized content, including social media and interactivity at different venues and across geographical areas. 

5G-XCast: Object oriented broadcasting


Delivering object-based broadcasting, spanning audio, video, captions, based on device capabilities, the environment and user preferences. 

5Gtango: Communications Suite


Enabling the setting-up of videoconferences for multiple participants, supporting chat, group chat, file sharing, desktop sharing and other added-value features. Scalable services, including Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

5Gtango: Immersive Media


Capturing live events using a 360° camera at 4K resolution, streaming it to users at home, using VR head mounted displays, desktops or smartphones with enriched, personalized content. 

5G-PICTURE: Mega-Event in stadium


Media services in large venues, using a dedicated 5G-stadium testbed, meeting need for increased density and static-to-low mobility. 

5G ESSENCE: 5G Edge network acceleration for stadium


Delivering benefits to both media producers and mobile operators through enriched event experiences to subscribers.

5GCity: Mobile Backpack Unit for Real-time Transmission


Quality of Service (QoS) and guaranteed bandwidth allocation to Mobile Backpack Units for Real Time Transmission by local broadcasters operating in a city context. 


5GCity: Ultra-high definition Video Distribution and Immersive Services


Developing High-Definition/4K video services, Video 360, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (VR) services for smart cities with increased service and network performance

5GCity: Video Acquisition and Production with Community media engagement in live events


Deploying a professional broadcasting system in a 5G smart city to support live event scenarios including video content that users can acquire and share from their smartphones.


News publishes white paper: How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G ERA has published its White Paper entitled “How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G Era”.

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 – Position Papers from, To-Euro 5G and NetWorld2020 SME Working Group

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 aims to become the playground for EU-BR initiatives drving innovation in ICT through collaborative work between outstanding research institutes, large enterprises and SMEs.
