Webinar: 5G Spectrum for Industry Verticals on 18 June 2020
All 5G applications need access to spectrum. Unlike typical smartphone-based 5G consumers, verticals often have very special requirements, ranging from guaranteed latency to cross-border harmonisation. But spectrum is scarce and valuable, and many questions arise around the best way to satisfy the needs of verticals while ensuring fair and equitable allocation of this essential resource. Dedicating spectrum to verticals may result in severe underutilisation and fragmentation. Secondary licensing (whereby MNOs license a portion of their allocation to verticals) is a potential solution, but care must be taken that it does not undermine the competitive (and often costly) process that MNOs must undergo to acquire their spectrum. Self-licensing (whereby a vertical acquires and manages its own spectrum through competitive auctions) is yet another alternative, often heard in the context of public utilities.
Some verticals (such as factories) must decide whether to rely on a public infrastructure for their 5G application, or to manage their own private networking infrastructure. This in turn may lead to opportunities to use unlicensed spectrum – which may in turn lead to performance and interference issues for mission-critical applications. Finally, those verticals who operate across borders (such as satellite or transportation providers) must deal with issues of cross-border spectrum harmonisation in order to ensure smooth service.
The “5G Spectrum for Industry Verticals” will address the current state of play regarding these thorny issues, with representatives from a wide variety of vertical industries and associations presenting the latest results and initiatives underway.
15:30-15:35 Welcome and Introduction, Stephanie Parker, Trust-IT
Moderators: Stephanie Parker, Trust-IT and David Lund, President of Public Safety Communications Europe
15:35 - Launch of the 1st poll
15:40-15:55 Findings from the EU 5G Observatory, Frederic Pujol, IDATE
15:55-16:10 Spectrum for 5G Automotive, Reza Karimi Director at Huawei and 5GAA Standards and Spectrum WG
16:10 - Launch of 2nd Poll
16:15-16:30 Spectrum for 5G Manufacturing, Ulrich Rehfuess, Head of Spectrum Policy, Nokia and 5G-ACIA
16:30-16:45 Spectrum for 5G Broadcasting and Media, Antonio Arcidiacono, Director, Technology and Innovation, European Broadcasting Union
16:45-17:00 Spectrum for Public Safety Communications, Gérard Carmona, Mission de préfiguration des réseaux radio du futur, Ministère de l'intérieur
17:00 - Launch of 3rd poll
17:05-17:30 Q&A with panellists and Sebastian Euler, Senior Researcher at Ericsson and 5GCroCo
17:30 Wrap-up
Register for the webinar here.