Maritime: Technical Viewpoints on 5G
The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) fosters the safe, economic and efficient movement of vessels, through improvement and harmonisation of aids to navigation worldwide and other appropriate means, for the benefit of the maritime community and the protection of the environment.
Members of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities include maritime authorities responsible for navigation safety; organisations delivering marine aids to navigation (AtoN); equipment manufacturers and researchers interested in navigation safety.
5G Value Proposition
5G is expected to open up infinite possibilities in maritime communication. Real-life applications include the introduction of smart drones for real-time monitoring, ship-shore communication for vessel traffic management and just-in-time operations. Furthermore, maritime 5G will also facilitate the adoption of autonomous vessels with low latency connectivity for remote operation and hasten the use of Internet-of-Things sensors during search-and-rescue for real-time communications and accurate positioning.
Viewpoints from Omar Erikkson, Deputy Secretary General, IALA
IALA services: IALA provides diverse services to the maritime industry, spanning AtoN (marine aids to navigation; vessel traffic services; the broadcast of maritime safety information; positioning services; position augmentation services.
It has a 4-year work programme life cycle. Meetings take place every 6 months with individual tasks taking 12-24 months.
Users at sea in the IALA domain include: Ships navigating the oceans; commercial vessels (SOLAS); fishing vessels etc.; leisure vessels near the coast; autonomous vessels.These users navigate (positioning); exchange information with shoreside stakeholders; exchange information with other ships; exchange corporate/commercial information and consume and provide e-Navigation.
Communications can therefore be ship to shore; ship to ship; seafarers for social contact and dealing with hazardous conditions
Use cases to be supported:
Ship-shore information exchange.
Ship-ship (also far out at sea) information exchange.
Seafarers needs for social contact and streaming.
Broadcast of maritime safety information (georeferenced).
Updates to sea charts.
Functional and technical requirements
Seamless roaming internationally.
High bandwidth.
Long range.
Multicast/broadcast/groupcast (georeferenced).
Positioning service (independent of DGNSS) - Satellite positioning services as a key issue.
Integrity monitoring and augmentation.
Timing (for range-mode positioning).
Identity management (chains of trust - unique/legal person.
The chain of trust is also important as different communication channels are used. Other requirements are multi-hopping, coverage and range.
IALA Publications for further reading
December 2017: IALA STRATEGIC VISION 2018-2026