5G-VINNI: ZSM PoC#2: Automated network slice scaling in multi-site environments
ETSI ISG ZSM is aimed at accelerating the definition of the necessary end-to-end architecture and solutions for largely autonomous networks characterised by self-configuration, self-monitoring, self-healing and self-optimisation. Such networks require a new horizontal and vertical end-to-end architecture framework for closed-loop automation and optimised for data-driven ML and AI algorithms. ETSI ZSM is specifying solutions and management interfaces for orchestrating and automating emerging end-to-end network slicing technology, end-to-end, cross-domain service orchestration and automation, enablers and solutions for closed-loop and advanced topics, as well as related security aspects,
5G-VINNI 5G Standardisation Showcase
5G-VINNI has built an open large-scale 5G End-to-End (E2E) facility serving as environments for advanced experimentation and testing for industry verticals, including the validation of 5G KPIs. The facility sites offer end-to-end network capabilities.
The expertise and technical capabilities of 5G-VINNI have enable partners from Telefonica, Telenor, University of Patras, openslice, UC3M to support ISG ZSM in its standardisation efforts by contributing a PoC aimed at demonstrating the capacity to automatically scale out a deployed network slice instance across multiple administrative domains. Specifically, the PoC aligns with ZSM001 (Use Cases) and ZSM003 (Network slicing features) and was developed using assets from both 5G-VINNI and 5TONIC.
As such, it has been selected as a 5G PPP success story within the 5G-IA Pre-Standardization Working Group, which supports projects in contributing to 5G standardisation, tracking inputs and impacts.
PoC 2 Automated Network Slice Scaling in Multi-Site Environments