3GPP RAN Release 18 for Industry Verticals - Outcomes
3GPP RAN Release 18 for Industry Verticals on 23 June 2021 was designed as preparatory workshop ahead of the RAN TSG Meeting the folllowing week. Industry verticals, spanning automotive, broadcasting and media, energy, manufacturing, maritime, public safety/critical communications and satellite as an enabler zoomed in on their priority requirements built around sector consensus and pinpointed commonalities across industries.
Workshop features
- A Fireside Chat with new RAN TSG Chair, Wanshi Chen, highlighting key features of Advanced 5G as priority topics for Rel-18 are discussed and selected for standardisation work.
- Tips and tricks for verticals wishing to contribute to 5G standardisation in 3GPP, how to stay the course, form partnerships with standards specialists and fit standards into company business models.
- A deep dive with flash talks on new requirements from verticals, with inputs from the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA), the 5G Alliance for Connected Industry and Automation (5G-ACIA), critical communications and public safety with a joint presentation from The Critical Communications Association (TCCA) with Public Safety Communications Europe (PSCE), the 5G Media Action Group (5G-MAG), the International Railway Union (UIC), the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), the European Utilities Telecom Council (EUTC) and the EMEA Satellite Operators Association (ESOA). Experts from these associations were joined by 5G PPP project, 5G-SOLUTIONS, which has built links with Living Labs and uses the 5G-EVE and 5G-VINNI 5G network infrastructures.
- Flash talks from RAN specialists from Huawei and Novamint, doing standardisation work applicable to multiple verticals.
Introduction and Flash Talks
Introduction, Stephanie Parker, Full5G and Co-chair of the 5G-IA Pre-standardization WG with John Favaro, member of the 5G PPP Automotive WG
Automotive: 5GAA Maxime Flament, CTO Input to RAN 18 Rel-18 Workshop
Manufacturing/IIoT: Michael Bahr, Siemens and 5G-ACIA WG 1Chair and An Xueli, Huawei and 5G-ACIA WG1 Vice Chair 3GPP RAN Rel-18 for Industry Verticals
Public Safety/Critical Communications: Tero Pesonen, TCCA Chair, joint presentation with PSCE, 3GPP MRP Mini Workshop: 3GPP Rel 18. Requirements from industry verticals
Media and Broadcasting: David Vargas, BBC and 5G-MAG Chair of CD-T WG, Proposals for 3GPP RAN Rel-18
Satellite: Nicolas Chuberre, Thales Alenia Space NTN Requirements in Rel-18
Rail: Ingo Wendler, UIC, NR Narrowband Channel Bandwidth - Railway Use Case
Maritime: Hyounhee Koo, Synctechno and IALA, Maritime Requirements on 3GPP Rel 18 RAN Studies/Works Priorities
Utilities: Julian Stafford, EUTC 3GPP RAN Rel-18 Requirements Erik Guttman, Samsung 5G Smart Energy Infrastructure
Multiple verticals: Andrea Di Giglio, 5G SOLUTIONS
Multiple verticals: Mathew Webb, Huawei and 3GPP RAN 3GPP Release 17 and Release 18 support for industry verticals
Mathew Webb, Huawei and 3GPP RAN, Passive IoT for 5G-Advanced
Multiple verticals: Thierry Berisot, Novamint and 3GPP RAN, Industry Verticals and Rel-18 RAN
Video Recording
The video recording of the entire workshop is available on the 5G PPP YouTube Channel here:
The workshop was co-organised by the 5G-IA, 5GAA, 5G-ACIA and PSCE as 3GPP Market Representation Partners, champions of industry verticals and standardisation.