EuCNC 2020 Virtual: 5G for Verticals on 17.06 from 10:45
5G for Verticals: Building and Exploiting Synergies, EuCNC 2020 on 17 June from 10:45 to 12:15
5G is the first wireless generation conceived for verticals. With this in mind, industry verticals and the 5G PPP have embarked upon research and innovation initiatives covering a diverse range of use cases, from agriculture and farming to automotive, broadcasting and media, manufacturing, smart cities, as well as the integration of satellite, to name but a few. R&I on verticals within 5G PPP is tracked in an online tool, the Verticals Cartography. In parallel, many private and publicly funded trials have been launched across Europe and globally. These are tracked in the 5G EU Observatory. Collectively, these efforts show the benefits and shortcomings of 5G technology.
3GPP Releases 15 and 16 partly cover requirements from verticals, with more coming in Release 17 and beyond. Requirements and inputs from industry verticals are tracked in this online tool, which is supported by a sub-set of market representation partners in 3GPP, namely 5GAA, 5G-ACIA, 5G-IA and PSCE, alongside high-profile representatives from 3GPP and ETSI.
This small task force has been working since July 2019 on bringing together industry verticals with a view to driving a set of common requirements, accelerate the time to reach consensus and ultimately build economies of scale.
This session at EuCNC 2020 (virtual) on 17 June has a similar goal in mind. It discusses concerns that highly specialised 5G requirements might prevent those economies of scale in terms of 5G terminals and infrastructure, leading to high R&I, product engineering, capital and oprational costs, which may lead to a poor business case and slower rates of adoption. The session brings together highly specialised sectors, also with a view to maximising common requirements for research, standardisation and product development.
The panel will zoom in on agriculture, automotive, healthcare, Industry 4.0 and public protection and disaster recovery (PPDR), with the aim of pinpointing common requirements, major implementation concerns and barriers also in view of accelerating recovery after the COVID-19 crisis.
Key points covered:
- Lessons learnt from early deployments.
- Requirements not covered in 5G test-beds, products and 3GPP Rel-15 and 16.
- Synergies across verticals.
- Accelerated use of 5G in vertical sectors.
Chair: Markus Dillinger, Huawei and 5GAA Secretary
Alicia Fuentes, CEO, QUATERNIUM, Spain
Luisa Andreone, FCA Product Development, FCA, Italy
Adam Wolisz (TU Berlin & Fellow of Einstein Center for the Digital Future, Germany
Andreas Mueller, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany and Chair of 5G-ACIA
Luís Cordeiro, CTO, OneSource, Portugal
Registration for the virtual EuCNC 2020 event is here.
Final programme is available here.