Webinar on 09.04.2020: 3GPP Progress Update on 5G Standardisation
3GPP is the leading global initiative for 5G standardisation, spanning cellular telecommunications network technologies, including radio access, the core transport network, and service capabilities, including work on codecs, security, quality of service to provide complete system specifications. 3GPP is also recognised as a key intiative for industry verticals with mechanisms in place to lower entry barriers for newcomers, including mentoring services.
Studies and specifications are driven by member companies, government agencies, research institutions and through associations. These inputs are coordinated by Working Groups and at the Technical Specification Group l(TSG) level: Radio Access Networks (RAN), Services & Systems Aspects (SA), and Core Network & Terminals (CT).
In three short webinars on Thursday morning, 9 April 2020, the three TSG chairs share takeaways from the recent Plenary, 16-20 March, held as e-meetings in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak.
- 10:00-10:20 - Lionel Morand, CT TSG Chair, highlights from the CT#87 e-meeting.
- 11:00-11:20 - Balazs Bertenyi, RAN TSG Chair, outcomes of RAN#87 e-meeting on 5G Radio.
- 12:00-12:20 - Georg Mayer, TSG SA Chair, progress of the last Plenary of the week, SA87 e-meeting.
These mini-webinars are important for taking stock on progress of 5G standardisation under challenging circumstances, helping members and prospective newcomers to plan ahead based on opportunities for new inputs and gap analyses on what is missing from advanced standardisation work.
To book your place, register here.